Last year, I qualified as an Driving Examiner for Diamond Advanced Motorists.
That means that I can not only train people to a standard required to pass the four different levels of driving test (learner, taxi, advanced & elite) but that I can also carry out driving assessments for those drivers that are above learner level (I can't examine people that I've trained of course, due to the conflict of interest issues & for the same reason, I can't carry out testing for learner drivers - only DVSA qualified & employed driving examiners who give up their ADI badge can do that)
There are several advanced driving groups operating in the country, but Diamond is set aside because it is fault based rather than risk based. That means that your result will be based on facts rather than opinions about best practice & that you're assessed by qualified ADI's who have been specially trained to examine (Approved Driving Instructors) rather than group members who are enthusiastic about good driving.
So what's involved...
Well you'll note that I mentioned the 4 levels of test - let's take them one by one
Learner Drivers

To pass this driving test, you need to drive for 35-40 minutes & attract fewer than 16 Driver Faults (these are the ones that everyone calls minors, but they are in fact opportunities to fail your driving test & the decision to give it a lower weighting is often down to the proximity of other road users & the affect you have on them). There should be no Serious Faults (these are where you breach the Highway Code, cause another road user who has priority over you to take action, show a lack of understanding by collecting various driver faults or place the car in a position of danger) & no Dangerous Faults (you'd provoke another road user into emergency action if you did this)
You'll drive on a variety of different roads & experience a variety of different traffic conditions & it's essentially about applying the highway code, assessing the road around you for risk & applying common sense where other road users act in a way that increases risk. Finese isn't really being assessed on this test... due to the expectation that learner drivers will be very nervous on test day.
Taxi Drivers
Some local authorities insist that Taxi Drivers are pass an assessment of their driving standards before granting them an operators licence.
This test is NOT really an advanced driving test; it's more of a slightly tougher learner level one.
You'll drive for around 45 minutes & to be successful you need to attract less than 10 driver faults. The test route will be set at a similar level to that used for learner drivers, but this time finese IS being assessed - you will pick up faults for "rough" gear changes or jerky braking.
Advanced Drivers

A very high standard of driving is now required.
You'll be driving for around 60-70 minutes & must attract less than 7 driver faults in order to be successful. Finese is being assessed again, & the test route chosen will be more challenging. Where features allow, it is very likely to include motorways.
Elite Advanced Drivers
This is a 90 minute long driving assessment where the test route is set at the same level as the Advanced Driving Test, but longer. The standard required in order to be successful at this level is very, very high - you must attract less than 3 driver faults & there must be no repeat faults (in addition to no serious or dangerous faults as applied to all of the tests).
Diamond advanced trainers (& examiners) are required to have passed this test, be ADI's & be paid up members of the Driving Instructors Association. To remain qualified, you must repeat this test every 3 years.
In terms of road safety, Advanced & Elite drivers will very rarely crash due to their defensive approach to driving & highly tuned anticipation skills - they will often see that a particular vehicle needs space BEFORE the actual driver of that vehicle realises he needs it. They will also enjoy improved fuel economy, have their car repaired less regularly (due to less wear & tear), reduced journey times & greater confidence of their passengers.
If you're still thinking about improving your skills, then please feel free to get in touch. There are two Diamond Trainers in the area that I can put you in touch with who will be happy to help you identify areas of weakness & worth with you to develop an action plan to get yourself up to standard... I'll then be happy to take you around a test route... & the best of luck to you :)
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